dimecres, 6 de juny del 2012


Our Space 1st   Batxillerat – End Third term

The first thing that I experimented doing my personal space is that I had to find out a lot of words and expressions in english to make compositions more rich.
I know that I have a bad nevel of english but I think that since September 2009 I improve a lot.
For example, now I'm more interested in coloquial and urban expressions of the english people when I looked for formal expressions for the blog.

When I was reading the Whispering Heights I realize that there was a lot  words that I didn't know, and even when I was looking for news in the BBC web: I felt "cool" reading the news of a traditional english web with news from England and New York, because I felt like a form part of these countries that I love so much.
So, the activity that best shows my level of English I think that is the Blog that we had to do because I found news, I wrote a lot about what I have read in the class and even in home,...
One thing that I enjoyed too it was the Friday classes when I tried magazines to read in english and even I talk a little with Rebecca (it's a pity, because I'm so shy and insecure and I don't talk a lot with Rebecca like Emma or Lisa. I think that I have got a bad pronunciation of english and I became closed when I saw her.)
The   most    useful   activities  to  improve   my   english   is   definitely the exams, because is in here when I demostrate my level of english: the grammar, the listening, the reading and even the personal writing.

The things that I enjoyed a lot is the idea of our personal space to make posts with personal opinions of news, to make also personal writings explaining the things that we like, and to put music or films too.

And even I enjoyed when we tried a songs to listen in the class: I think that it's good to know the musical preferences of the people and enjoy new styles of music, althrough we learn urban or coloquial words in english!

dissabte, 2 de juny del 2012

YOUR-SAY(6): Thank you

Thank you:
There are two words that doesn't have meaning if you don't feel it.
And now, I feel it.
I want to say thank you for letting me do posts of the things that I like without (critiques) and to read my publications (althrough it is compulsory to read them to puntuate my notes, for me is fantastic that someone reads my redactions)

The truth is that I've enjoyed doint the blog.
I like to invent some new and original posts and not predictable and simple redactions.
And also I liked decorating the aesthetic of my blog, putting songs and showing what are my tastes of art, cinema, music and others.

the truth is that the summary of all this post are these two words of the title: Thank you.
I have nothing more to say.

You had patience with me and you've taken an interest in my tastes and my way of thinking without judging me.
And even you've always encouraged me when I saw that my accent in the oral presentations was bad.

You know that I'm not kidding you, because say good things to people without really believe it don't form part of my personality. And if I dedicated a post for this, means that I really care.

Your interest by myself, makes me feel good and proud of the result of this blog.
Now, it's finally finished.

And I think that although there is no perfection in the world, the blog has been successfully finished.
And I am proud of it.

Movie review(1): VALKIRIA, the other face of the nazism

VALKIRIA, The other face of the nazism

The movie Valkiria is about the german nazism in the 2nd World War.
In 20 July in  1944, a german army want to kill Adolf Hitler because they aren't agree with the cruel ideology of the dictator because they know that he will destroy the german society and the future of the germanic country.
Their plan was  a emergency plan to take control of the country
The plan is called Valkiria because of the fascination of Adolf Hitler for the music of Richard Wagner.
Wagner has a piece of music called the horseback riding of the valkirias, and knowing that valkirias were a female figures of the norse mythology who decide to die in the their battle, they wanted to take this name as a symbol.
Valkiria's plan was ideated and directed by the Coronel Claus von Stauggenberg.

The movie shows the situation of the world in these times, and the desesperation of these nazis to safe Germany.
Valikiria movie even shows that in the nazism there were cruel people who believed in his dictator, but even there were nazis that has to begin nazis to get save and to not go to concentration camps or to prison, but in fact, they didn't believed in the nazi ideology.

In the artistic way, the film is very well done and makes the hair stand on end.

You just have to listen to the song of Valikirias to verify it:

The Wagner' song was broadcast by a group of tanks before launching an attack in the Second World War like the famous scene of the airplanes in the movie Apocalypse now

See the scene