There are two words that doesn't have meaning if you don't feel it.
And now, I feel it.
I want to say thank you for letting me do posts of the things that I like without (critiques) and to read my publications (althrough it is compulsory to read them to puntuate my notes, for me is fantastic that someone reads my redactions)
The truth is that I've enjoyed doint the blog.
I like to invent some new and original posts and not predictable and simple redactions.
And also I liked decorating the aesthetic of my blog, putting songs and showing what are my tastes of art, cinema, music and others.
the truth is that the summary of all this post are these two words of the title: Thank you.
I have nothing more to say.
You had patience with me and you've taken an interest in my tastes and my way of thinking without judging me.
And even you've always encouraged me when I saw that my accent in the oral presentations was bad.
You know that I'm not kidding you, because say good things to people without really believe it don't form part of my personality. And if I dedicated a post for this, means that I really care.
Your interest by myself, makes me feel good and proud of the result of this blog.
Now, it's finally finished.
And I think that although there is no perfection in the world, the blog has been successfully finished.
And I am proud of it.

I have to thank you for your kindness and creativity. I always learn something when I read your blog.
ResponEliminaPlease, be more self-confident, you can do great things. Nobody says you need to be perfect !!
Have a good summer