divendres, 9 de desembre del 2011

YOUR-SAY(2): TOP 10: best movie scenes.

TOP 10:Best movie scenes
I tried to make an original post to start the second term in this blog. So, I was thinking about it, and I tried to make a Top 10 of the scenes that I considere that are the best.
(Logically is a personal list about the scenes that I liked more)
Surely, I will leave many other scenes, but it would be impossible to put them all!
Let's start.

NUMBER 10: Benjamin Button.

 It's incredible what the destiny can do to people.
I watched this movie a few years ago, in the cinema. My first thought was that the movie will be boring (the argument doesn't convence me so much). Then I changed my mind when I saw that Benjamin Button is excellent. And this is only one of the scenes that I loved.

Number 9: Forrest Gump.

Who doesn't know Forrest Gump? There's a lot of mytic scenes in the movie. But definitely, this is my favourite: It hide a moving message... With the humor incorporate.

Number 8:

Some people think that the best scene in Psicosis is the bath scene (where the female character died).
Personally, the scene that makes me feel the goosebumps.

NUMBER 7: Brokeback Mountain.

The most polemic movie in America....
The movie about the problems of begin cowboy and homosexual in a cruel and classical society.
The scene shows the frustration of one of the characters when he discovers the death of his lover (murdered by a few homofobics)

NUMBER 6: Ladies and Gentlemen The Fabulous Stains

I don't know why I put this scene of this "not much complex movie" in the number 6... I thought I see myself in this girl.
The scene says it all.

Always I thought that Tim Burton was a genius...But when I watch his version of Batman, I confirm it.
After saw the movie, I realize Michelle Pfeiffer was the best interpretation for Catwoman.
This scene is the best of the movie for me. Incredible interpretation and excellent transformation scene!

Pay it forward

One of the most exciting and emotive movies I've ever seen...
This scene reflex the sensibility of the character, who wants to change the world of the other people as he can't change his...
It's a pity I could not find the real scene without the music that this user put.
This movie was so impactant for me... And this ending scene was the clicmatic scene...
Plunged into a despair, an illusion and absorbing obsession, the character ends her theatrical.... PERFECTLY.
The movie is like being inside her mind. CHAOTIC. AND PERFECT.
NUMBER 2. MILLENIUM: Men Who Hates Women:

I haven't put a particular scene as the three films of MILLENIUM are great.
I Lisbeth Salander amazing.
It would be impossible to write about the movie, because I would leave multiple details and I'm not a person who leave details (I'm very perfectionist in this sense)


And the most important scene for me.
I know in my life I will see many other movies and the ranquing will be modified and expanded...
But the first place will never be replaced.
I'm sure.

This scene, simply is called:
F R E E D O M .

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