dijous, 1 de desembre del 2011

YOUR-SAY(1): Hello and Goodbye

Hello mr. winter, Goodbye First Term!
It's a pleasure to say goodbye to you, first term!
Because It says that I finished the first part of a hard and stressful 1rst batxillerat...

Last summer, I was so worried about batxillerat: I had no study habits in High School, and ever so, I passed of level without problems.
Now, I have to work as I never had. And I have results that I never imagined I would get in the batxillerat.
The truth is that I'm so proud about my notes... And I'm obsessed with having so more higher qualifications.

(But that doesn't mean that I'm not happy that the holidays come and finish the first term....)

Yes, winter holidays are coming, and my dear wintry weather.
I don't know why I like so much cold weather.
People think that people who like cold weather and darkness are pessimistic and dark. And that's not true.
Well, normally I'm not very optimistic and cheerful but it has nothing to do with that I like cold weather...

Winter is a time for reflection: of nostalgia and elegance.
It's like if all the beauty of the world focus on this time. The stately dance of the leaves, the trees seem to glow against the cold ... Those mornings walking along the lonely roads, with a red nose and cheeks frost, coats, scarves, goose bumps, the noise of dried plants, the rivers seem to lead souls, the gray skies and damp winds.

I have never believed that there's so much beauty in the world.
And over the years, even more: It's depressing to see the evil of society.

But winter gives me hope and shows me the beauty of the world that really exists. Perhaps the beauty inside of people is so more difficult to find, but nature will always be there to show his perfections. Their majestic works.

It's a time where it seems possible to find hope.

Good morning, mr winter.

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