I think that Riot Grrrl must be known among the people, because it marks a before and after in feminism.
I'll start by explaining what's Riot grrrl, some influental bands, and the topics of their lyrics.
I hope that interests you!
The websites say that Riot Grrrl is only a musical style, born in 1990 in USA.
But it's more than this. It was an ideology, a revolutionary thought.
A protest against sexism in society. For the first time, women expressed their thoughts and feelings though punk.
Punk and Rock have always been considered masculine music styles. Women could go to punk concert and love punk music. But punks felt that women were weak and sensitive and couldn't form a punk band.
Women who attempted to form punk bands wre rejected.
But they aren't giving up.
They began to meet and to form female punk bands. They played in clubs and alternative bars.

Some are:
-Seven Year Bitch.
And my favourite: -Bikini Kill.

She was the lead singer of Bikini Kill, and actually, is a feminist activist and the singer of her band, Le Tigre, an American electroclash band.

Sine I knew that I liked punk bands, I tried to find bands who speak of social problems, and I never found any.
I found riot girls and I love them.It really is much than words, it's a feeling.
I know that you're not be passionate about the topic, but I hope that now you know about this movement.

Well done, Helena, keep it up like this!
ResponElimina"Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are alive."
~Howard Thurman
ResponEliminaI will remember this quote, I promise!
Thanks again!