divendres, 23 de març del 2012

YOUR-SAY(1): Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast:

I've read this reading of the page 80 of the Student Book (that talk about the truth of the beauty business) and I felt so uncomfortable: I knew that these kinds of business were cruel with the woman and her sizes, but when you don't know the truth explained by someone who lived in this kind of ambient, you don't saw the cruelty in his all extension...

And when you read this short but shocking reading you begin to thought about these kinds of thing....
I mean society, the concept of beauty nowadays, the sizes that control woman's life, the ideology that creates the media with their magazines, movies, tv programms and commercials...

It's sad to see that there are a lot of women that
think the most important quality of the woman is her beauty and perfection (perfection means skinniest bodies, hip bones, and superficial faces with a lot of bottox)
Creating these illness ideology that reduce the woman to only one body: the intelligence isn't important when you have a good body and a stupid smile in your face....

Gema García, a education correspondent, demostrates that the only thing that move these beauty business is the money (like everything): If you have got money you can pay for begin the Miss of the year.
Even if you aren't the perfect woman that the business say that they need!

It's sad to know that, there are millions of women that pretend to be perfect to work in this kind of business while they only want to win money destroying people's lifes...

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