dijous, 24 de maig del 2012

NEWS(3): Boxing, women & english


The news talk about the women and the boxing and their difficult relation:
The society don't want women in the world of boxing because they considere is a man's sport.

The first women-only boxing club was founded in Britain, opened in Dunfermline (Scotland). The boxing coach that opened it was Jaye Mowbray, the first female in the world of boxing.

Women begin to boxing as a solution to bullying and to self-defence.

The boxing was an oldest sport that became so popular in the Middle Ages as a country fair where men show their power and resistence.

The first boxing ring was created at 1719 by James Figg and was called "The Amphitheatre". Jack Broughton, his pupil, invented the material of boxing like the gloves and the kicking attacks.

During the 19th Century, boxing began to be considered as a sport of criminal gangs and brutality.

The boxing even influence on the English language with some expressions like "At the drop of a hat" that means "immediately", or "the gloves are off" to say that the necociating is about to get tough.
About the meaning of the word "boxing", it comes from the Danish word "baske" that means "hit with your fist".

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