dijous, 31 de maig del 2012

YOUR-SAY(5): TOP 10: The best commercials

TOP 10: The best commercials

A important warning

This commercial is not caracterized by begin very reflexive or creative, but it's quite funny and in fact, the message is very important.
One message that other commercial will transmit it with dramatism; to impact people.
This commercial with a funny way to explain (showing a very daily scene in the life of the parents) say the same message but with good humour.
9:Adan and Eva

A humoristic commercial to that pretend to make laugh to people. It's funny but I saw it with a different way (leaving aside the humor):
This shows us that the christian religion if was true, could pass like in this video!
This video makes us reflect on the religious concepts: totally wrong as we can see.8: New Eristoff Gold:

The first time that I saw this commercial in tv, was on november in 2011.
I don't know why, but it may be the scenery, the mysterious atmosphere that creates the different range of dark colors, or even the quality of the video recording....
But this video seems excellent to me.
7: Honda commercial
A incredible montage that hits you in your tv until that has not ended.
A series of gear can create a completely perfect machine as is shown in this commercial...

The objective of this commercial is to show that one simple act to a person can change the his life... A little act for you can be a big help to the others.

5: Coca Cola is made of life

Coca Cola always make emotional and optimistic commercials about the pro-life (without pesimistic messages). I'm a ironic girl that the sentimental situations produces me allergy, but Coca Cola always make me bring a smile.
It's an ode to life.4: Audi A6

When you saw this commercial, you want to be able to drive (if you're a person like me that doesn't have driver's licence...).

3: ASCA commercial

Shocking, scary...
Like the social reality.
You just need to have a look on it.


Words of a wise man, a genius... 
Adapt to life.

Children See...

There are no words to describe this commercial.
The best that I have ever seen.
The music, the images, the message, the essence...
The reality is reflected in 1:32 minutes.
Simply, watch it.

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