dilluns, 21 de maig del 2012

NEWS(2): Music.... Guns n' Roses


The story begins with William Bailey (the singer that changed his name to Rose when he was 17). Then, he changed his first name to his nickname Axl (creating the artistic name of Axl Rose that is an anagram of the oral sex).

Then, the others members even changed they're original names to Izzy, Duff and Slash (the famous guitarrist of the band).
They talk in their lyrics about homosexuals, african american and women in a wrong side, offending them.

I think that this band is simply a stupid band that wants to impact and to be cool for their teenager fans. For me, they seem silly; they look extremely ridiculous.
It's quite sad that they need to write "offending" lyrics to be popular.

I hate the bands that pretend to be cool and that their objective is only to make money with their radical style and they don't enjoy the music.

You have only to read the lyrics of their songs....

<< I can’t even waste my time on that band, because they’re so obviously pathetic and untalented. I used to think that everything in the mainstream pop world was crap, but now that some underground bands have been signed with majors, I take Guns N’ Roses as more of an offense. I have to look into it more: They’re really talentless people, and they write crap music, and they’re the most popular rock band on the earth right now. I can’t believe it. >> 
Kurt Cobain from NIRVANA.
(an exemple of a genius in the music. A revolutionary man that created a ideology, a style of music that make people feel like they're floating... Like they're understood)

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