The people think that tattoos are a kind of fashion that is part of a particular aesthetic.
And that is not true, because tattoo doesn't have a definated origin:
Since ancient times, tattoos have been a way to express ourselves, an art more than a simple aesthetic.
Soldiers, sailors, women of different ages (60's, 80's,...), aboriginals, indians,... made tattoos for various reasons:
Express their troughts by the art of their skin, draw their personality, explain stories or their own lives and experiences, and also as a symbol of overcoming and strenght,...
And this time, my new tattoo will be a symbol. A symbol of what means LIVE.
The freedom, the curiosity, the pleasure to the unknown and different.
A direction not fixed.
There are people that they don't know why, but are born with a certain hippie attitude.
A strange feeling when you look at the horizon.
The feeling of wanting to reach him but at the same time, the desire of never stop walking behind him.
And for me, the graphic representation of this feeling is definated by a compass rose: to choose random directions. To feel free and in peace.
A feeling that every human wants to feel: And I feel it with trips.
With the travel and the wander throught the world.
I feel that I'm alive with it.
So my next tattoo is the representation that I'm still alive.
And I'm going to be alive through my tattoos, even if one day I'm not in the world where now I'm walking.

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