diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011



Egyptians celebrate the resignation of President Mubarak in February 2011

As Egyptians prepare to vote in their first parliamentary election since last February's revolution that ousted President Mubarak, have they really seen the changes they were fighting for?

I think the story could be summarized in the question asked at the beginning.
Personally, I think not.
Egypt, It's a place dominated by radicalism, sexism, and religion.
For a long time, these people lived in an environment where, personally I think They have forgotten the reasons why quale fight.
Soon will come another Mubarak to bring "order" in Egypt, and will continue the conflict forever.
This minister, Osama Heikal, is convinced that the country will not be in a situation like that. But they have always lived this way: reacting with violence, repression, radicalism.

They believe that with just the defeat of Mubarak are going to react and realize how badly they do?

I just finish with a reflection:
when you kill a monster, then come others.

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