dimecres, 2 de novembre del 2011

ORAL PRESENTATION: Riot Grrrl (the video)

I think that I do it very bad. It's good this system of recording your oral presentation to watch your defects and faults.
 I speak very slowly, and don' t look at the audience to much when I speak.
I get too nervous and then I forget some basic words!
My pronunciation is very bad and needs to improve by 99%.
But I liked to see the people trying to understand me, despite my poor oral presentation...

I hope to do it better the next time!

PS:I will post the script of the PowerPoint, for people who didn't understand me too well when I explained it in class.

By: Helena

1 comentari:

  1. Don't be so negative Helena, you did a really good job!!
    It has been a very interesting topic and your fluency and pronunciation was not so bad, of course you can improve, everybody can !!
    But your classmates enjoyed and understood what you said and that was the point, wasn't it ?
    Cheer up!
