dimarts, 21 de febrer del 2012

dissabte, 18 de febrer del 2012

Ace Ventura scene

YOUR-SAY(4): The art of tattoos


A lot of people think that Tattoos is simply a fad, others say it's infiltrated ink on the skin that damages the body... Personally, I respect all the opinions.
And I just listen and I be silent, because I don't think it's important to strive me to convince the others.

I have always been fascinated to tattoos: I saw people with tattoos on the street, also famous people, and when I was young I amused myself with the bike going to Roses, looking the exposed models of tattoos on the sideboars of the shops.
I remember that one day I pretended I was looking for a direction and I went into the tattoo shop to see how it was inside...

I enjoyed walking through the streets and imagine why all those people had put those tattoos on themselves.

The first time I saw someone doing a tattoo was in Barcelona.
I went to a tattoo shop, and when I was watching all the models of tattoos that were in the windows, with the music of the local I didn't hear the dependent's steps, that was looking at me with a strange face.
But then he let me stay and watch as they made a tattoo on a young girl.

At that moment, I knew I wanted to live that moment, know what was the feeling of get a tattoo.
But I, as cautious as usual, I waited three years to decide definitely what tattoo I wanted.
I didn't want to do something that I repent later in the future....

I firmly believed (and I still thinking) that tattoos are a form of expression.
It's a part of the person, and expresses the personality of the wearer (leaving aside those who only put it to impress or be cool or whatever... silly things...)

divendres, 17 de febrer del 2012

YOURSAY(3): A realistic description

A realistic description:

She's like a renaissance woman who reflects the perfection in the art: She's like an angel who never gets old or ugly for the disasters of a complicated life.

Her eyes are the first thing you see when you're in front of her:
Her deepest bright-blue eyes that seem to be a light that illuminates the darkness in the world where you life.

Her long-phoenix hair leaves you without words: yellow, red and orange colours are mixed on this soft hair that I usually touch to feel better with my soul.
She's got white skin, and when she smiles, her cheeks turn red.

When she smiles, her lips form a line because she doesn't like to be sensitive.
She doesn't like to say sweet or silly word becauseshe prefers to demostrate her love with acts.
And she shows it to me everyday of my life.
She's the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen.

She's my mother.



Your eyes, your eyes tell me everything.
The first, the last and in between, that's everything.
Your kiss, your kiss so wet I loose my breath,
your lips erase the old regrets, of anything.

NEWS(3): Valentine's Day 'wedding'

Valentine's Day 'wedding' for ram and deer at China Zoo
The truth is that I don't know why I tried this news!
I don't like Valentine's Day because I think that It's a one more celebration for the consumism of the society (the excuse of the love to give card and sweets to enrich the industries in times of crisis)
I believe that love must be demostrate all the days of the year.... And for the first time in my life, this history has sensitized me.

People say that animals are this "animals" and that they don't show their love to other because the only love that they feel is pure sex for perpetuate themselves...
But this case refutes these arguments (this case and the case of love between my dog and I, of course...)

I think that the whole story of the wedding and the wedding dresses is a montage of the China's Zoo to be more rich, but the real subtance is in the love that this two animals feel (even if they're very different).
And this cannot be faked. And warms my heart to see that is true (and also amuses me)

<<Scientists are advising the public not to put too much human meaning into the pair's behaviour, saying that "leaving them alone is the best choice".>>
Changmao and Chunzi at Yunnan Wildlife Park (2 December 2011)