divendres, 17 de febrer del 2012

YOURSAY(3): A realistic description

A realistic description:

She's like a renaissance woman who reflects the perfection in the art: She's like an angel who never gets old or ugly for the disasters of a complicated life.

Her eyes are the first thing you see when you're in front of her:
Her deepest bright-blue eyes that seem to be a light that illuminates the darkness in the world where you life.

Her long-phoenix hair leaves you without words: yellow, red and orange colours are mixed on this soft hair that I usually touch to feel better with my soul.
She's got white skin, and when she smiles, her cheeks turn red.

When she smiles, her lips form a line because she doesn't like to be sensitive.
She doesn't like to say sweet or silly word becauseshe prefers to demostrate her love with acts.
And she shows it to me everyday of my life.
She's the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen.

She's my mother.



Your eyes, your eyes tell me everything.
The first, the last and in between, that's everything.
Your kiss, your kiss so wet I loose my breath,
your lips erase the old regrets, of anything.

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