dissabte, 18 de febrer del 2012

YOUR-SAY(4): The art of tattoos


A lot of people think that Tattoos is simply a fad, others say it's infiltrated ink on the skin that damages the body... Personally, I respect all the opinions.
And I just listen and I be silent, because I don't think it's important to strive me to convince the others.

I have always been fascinated to tattoos: I saw people with tattoos on the street, also famous people, and when I was young I amused myself with the bike going to Roses, looking the exposed models of tattoos on the sideboars of the shops.
I remember that one day I pretended I was looking for a direction and I went into the tattoo shop to see how it was inside...

I enjoyed walking through the streets and imagine why all those people had put those tattoos on themselves.

The first time I saw someone doing a tattoo was in Barcelona.
I went to a tattoo shop, and when I was watching all the models of tattoos that were in the windows, with the music of the local I didn't hear the dependent's steps, that was looking at me with a strange face.
But then he let me stay and watch as they made a tattoo on a young girl.

At that moment, I knew I wanted to live that moment, know what was the feeling of get a tattoo.
But I, as cautious as usual, I waited three years to decide definitely what tattoo I wanted.
I didn't want to do something that I repent later in the future....

I firmly believed (and I still thinking) that tattoos are a form of expression.
It's a part of the person, and expresses the personality of the wearer (leaving aside those who only put it to impress or be cool or whatever... silly things...)

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