dijous, 16 de febrer del 2012


The truth is that I'm not a girl who loves read a lot of different books (this type of people who read every thing they can find... even the instructions of the fridge...)
When people say to me: "Oh, how many books do you read this year?" and I became a bit angry because for me is not matter the quantity, but the quality.

And personally, I read a few books in all my life. Good books like Frankenstein, Dracula, Miquel Martí i Pol's poems, Edgar Allan Poe's Tales, and, surprisingly: All the Millenium Trilogy of Stieg Larsson.

If I had said before that I would read an entire trilogy, I wouldn't believe it.
But the fact is that... when you love a book, the pages disappear.

You don't think that you're reading.
You're transported into the world that the author shows you.
And the world of Millenium is starkly real.
A absorbing and hard reality.

The characters are Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander, a so differents persons in a different life style
(with differents pasts...)
I always thought that Stieg Larsson used the irony and the critical vision to make these two characters:
Lisbeth has what represents is the "male role" of our society, and Mikael, the supposed "female role".
I think it's a great review to show that the supposed roles are silly and that women and men can have things of the differents roles.
(I mean, Why a man can't be sensitive? Why a woman can't be cold or insensitive or impulsive? Why can not be a woman without this sensitive and loving parts that has the supposed female role?)

Lisbeth represents this at all...
As you read the book, you feel more curiosity about this woman.
I want to know more and more.
And this made you read the pages of the book more than eight hours in a day...

And I think that this is what a book must to had.

I can say that I discovered why so people read the books of Stieg Larsson.
No words can describe it.

PD: I have seen in Internet a lot of people that make draws of their representation of Lisbeth Salander....

I imagined this when I read the book.

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