dijous, 15 de setembre del 2011

Hello, Lourdes, nice to see you again!

Hi, Lourdes,

I'm proud to see you again.
Last time I saw you was in first of ESO, and I think in second,too.
I create the myspace so early because I love making blogs and posts in it.
Some people say I'm a very creative girl:
I live to draw and I draw to live.
If I have time, I'm going to make a lot of posts about my life and hobbies. I've had a lot of hobbies (that I'm going to explain in the next posts), but for me, draw is the one.
Since I was a child, drawing is a a great part of my life, and I think i cannot live without it. I've got it in my soul, I think...
Although you've got me in your class in first of ESO, that was too short to know my personality and likes.
So I'm going to say that I'm a very perfectionist teenager, and I'm going to work hard to do a good job with this MySpace's blog.
My Friends and family say that I'm very moody and pessimist. But I always be like this!
I think one of my faults is that I think too much.

I know that this mail should be longer, but I prefer that you know me slowly, through my posts.

I just hope you like it, and you have fun reading it!



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