dijous, 15 de setembre del 2011

YOUR-SAY(5): Just a song.


Well now this could be the last of all the rides we take
Bé, ara aquest pot ser el nostre últim passeig de tots els que hem fet.
So hold on tight and don't look back
Aixi que aguantet fort i no miris endarrere
We don't care about the message or the rules they make

A nosaltres no ens importen els missatges i les regles que ells creen
I'll find you when the sun goes black
Et trobaré quan el sol es torni negre
And you only live forever in the lights you make
I tu només vius per sempre en les llums que crees
When we were young we used to say
Quan erem joves soliem dir
That you only hear the music when your heart begins to break
Que tu només escoltes la música quant el teu cor comença a trencar-se
Now we are the kids from yesterday
Ara nosaltres som els nens de l'ahir

All the cameras watch the accidents and stars you hate
Totes les cámeres veuen els accidents i les estrelles que tu odies
They only care if you can bleed
A ells només els hi importa si sangres
Does the television make you feel the pills you ate?
La televisió et fa sentir les pastilles que prens?
Or every person that you need to be
O cada persona que tu necessitaves ser
Cause you only live forever in the lights you make
Perqué tu només vius per sempre en les llums que crees
When we were young we used to say
Quan erem joves soliem dir
That you only hear the music when your heart begins to break
Que tu només escoltes la música quan el teu cor comença a trencar-se
Now we are the kids from yesterday
Ara nosaltres som els nens d'ahir
Today, today
Avui, Avui
We are the kids from yesterday
Nosaltres som els nens d'ahir
Today, today
Avui, avui
Here we are and we won't stop breathing
Aquí estem i no deixarem de respirar
Yell it out 'til your heart stops beating
Crida a fora fins que el cor pari de bategar
We are the kids from yesterday
Nosaltres som els nens d'ahir
Cause you only life forever in the lights you make

Perque tu només vius per sempre en les llums que crees
When we were young we used to say

Quan erem joves soliem dir
That you only hear the music when your heart begins to break

Que escoltes la música quan el teu cor comença a trencarse
Now we are the kids from yesterday

Ara nosaltres som els nens d'ahir
We are the kids from yesterday

Nosaltres som els nens d'ahir
We are the kids from yesterday
Nosaltres som els nens d'ahir
We are the kids from yesterday
Nosaltres som els nens d'ahir
Today, today

.A lot of people (included fans) say that this four album of My Chemical Romance is so different from the others (in bad context). And I think that they're right. But for me, in not bad context.
I think a lot of bands that initially start with good songs: or don't do nothing and separate, or make albums with songs like the old songs that they make.My Chemical Romance have made an evolution.All their albums are different: Risked the fans will accept right or wrong, and their fourth album was again totally different to the third. They risked that the fans will like the new style of his new album or not. They don't care. They thought only of making new and different material than others. And really, they've done it very well.
Just listen the song and judge for yourself.

PS: I've put a video of a their live 'cause i value his work on stage and how good they do it, than their studio version.

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