dijous, 15 de setembre del 2011

YOUR-SAY(3): "If life ain't just a joke then why are we laughing?

"If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?"*
Gerard Way.

This "Your-Say" is totally dedicated to this man called Gerard Way.
The most normal thing would be to talk about his life, experiences and career.
But I don't think I can do that. That wouldn't be right.
Personally, I wouldn't like that a unknown girl talking 'bout my life openly, as If she really knew my real life.
I don't consider myself the typical hysterical fan just looking to sleep with their idols, or pulling of their hair, or simply insult their fiances; judging without knowing them.

The first time I listen to My Chemical Romance was on September 2007. And I could really identify with his lyrics.
That's not a joke, I know that a lot of fans say that, but my words are so sincere right now.
I through that if a person can write lyrics like this is 'cause he feels what the writes.
'Cause their throughts are within those lyrics that then, we hear in our computers, mp3 or, whatever.
I always thought that if he really felt those words would be because he also felt like me.
I think that Gerard Way, what he really wanted was to create a band with lyrics that will help other people like him. I think his greatest desire was to know that some people feel identified with his songs and try to be a little happier.

And he got it.

So thank you so much, mr. Gerard Way

My Chemical Romance - Dead!

(copyright. twitter.com/GerardWay)

By: Helena

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