dimecres, 6 de juny del 2012


Our Space 1st   Batxillerat – End Third term

The first thing that I experimented doing my personal space is that I had to find out a lot of words and expressions in english to make compositions more rich.
I know that I have a bad nevel of english but I think that since September 2009 I improve a lot.
For example, now I'm more interested in coloquial and urban expressions of the english people when I looked for formal expressions for the blog.

When I was reading the Whispering Heights I realize that there was a lot  words that I didn't know, and even when I was looking for news in the BBC web: I felt "cool" reading the news of a traditional english web with news from England and New York, because I felt like a form part of these countries that I love so much.
So, the activity that best shows my level of English I think that is the Blog that we had to do because I found news, I wrote a lot about what I have read in the class and even in home,...
One thing that I enjoyed too it was the Friday classes when I tried magazines to read in english and even I talk a little with Rebecca (it's a pity, because I'm so shy and insecure and I don't talk a lot with Rebecca like Emma or Lisa. I think that I have got a bad pronunciation of english and I became closed when I saw her.)
The   most    useful   activities  to  improve   my   english   is   definitely the exams, because is in here when I demostrate my level of english: the grammar, the listening, the reading and even the personal writing.

The things that I enjoyed a lot is the idea of our personal space to make posts with personal opinions of news, to make also personal writings explaining the things that we like, and to put music or films too.

And even I enjoyed when we tried a songs to listen in the class: I think that it's good to know the musical preferences of the people and enjoy new styles of music, althrough we learn urban or coloquial words in english!

dissabte, 2 de juny del 2012

YOUR-SAY(6): Thank you

Thank you:
There are two words that doesn't have meaning if you don't feel it.
And now, I feel it.
I want to say thank you for letting me do posts of the things that I like without (critiques) and to read my publications (althrough it is compulsory to read them to puntuate my notes, for me is fantastic that someone reads my redactions)

The truth is that I've enjoyed doint the blog.
I like to invent some new and original posts and not predictable and simple redactions.
And also I liked decorating the aesthetic of my blog, putting songs and showing what are my tastes of art, cinema, music and others.

the truth is that the summary of all this post are these two words of the title: Thank you.
I have nothing more to say.

You had patience with me and you've taken an interest in my tastes and my way of thinking without judging me.
And even you've always encouraged me when I saw that my accent in the oral presentations was bad.

You know that I'm not kidding you, because say good things to people without really believe it don't form part of my personality. And if I dedicated a post for this, means that I really care.

Your interest by myself, makes me feel good and proud of the result of this blog.
Now, it's finally finished.

And I think that although there is no perfection in the world, the blog has been successfully finished.
And I am proud of it.

Movie review(1): VALKIRIA, the other face of the nazism

VALKIRIA, The other face of the nazism

The movie Valkiria is about the german nazism in the 2nd World War.
In 20 July in  1944, a german army want to kill Adolf Hitler because they aren't agree with the cruel ideology of the dictator because they know that he will destroy the german society and the future of the germanic country.
Their plan was  a emergency plan to take control of the country
The plan is called Valkiria because of the fascination of Adolf Hitler for the music of Richard Wagner.
Wagner has a piece of music called the horseback riding of the valkirias, and knowing that valkirias were a female figures of the norse mythology who decide to die in the their battle, they wanted to take this name as a symbol.
Valkiria's plan was ideated and directed by the Coronel Claus von Stauggenberg.

The movie shows the situation of the world in these times, and the desesperation of these nazis to safe Germany.
Valikiria movie even shows that in the nazism there were cruel people who believed in his dictator, but even there were nazis that has to begin nazis to get save and to not go to concentration camps or to prison, but in fact, they didn't believed in the nazi ideology.

In the artistic way, the film is very well done and makes the hair stand on end.

You just have to listen to the song of Valikirias to verify it:

The Wagner' song was broadcast by a group of tanks before launching an attack in the Second World War like the famous scene of the airplanes in the movie Apocalypse now

See the scene

dijous, 31 de maig del 2012

YOUR-SAY(5): TOP 10: The best commercials

TOP 10: The best commercials

A important warning

This commercial is not caracterized by begin very reflexive or creative, but it's quite funny and in fact, the message is very important.
One message that other commercial will transmit it with dramatism; to impact people.
This commercial with a funny way to explain (showing a very daily scene in the life of the parents) say the same message but with good humour.
9:Adan and Eva

A humoristic commercial to that pretend to make laugh to people. It's funny but I saw it with a different way (leaving aside the humor):
This shows us that the christian religion if was true, could pass like in this video!
This video makes us reflect on the religious concepts: totally wrong as we can see.8: New Eristoff Gold:

The first time that I saw this commercial in tv, was on november in 2011.
I don't know why, but it may be the scenery, the mysterious atmosphere that creates the different range of dark colors, or even the quality of the video recording....
But this video seems excellent to me.
7: Honda commercial
A incredible montage that hits you in your tv until that has not ended.
A series of gear can create a completely perfect machine as is shown in this commercial...

The objective of this commercial is to show that one simple act to a person can change the his life... A little act for you can be a big help to the others.

5: Coca Cola is made of life

Coca Cola always make emotional and optimistic commercials about the pro-life (without pesimistic messages). I'm a ironic girl that the sentimental situations produces me allergy, but Coca Cola always make me bring a smile.
It's an ode to life.4: Audi A6

When you saw this commercial, you want to be able to drive (if you're a person like me that doesn't have driver's licence...).

3: ASCA commercial

Shocking, scary...
Like the social reality.
You just need to have a look on it.


Words of a wise man, a genius... 
Adapt to life.

Children See...

There are no words to describe this commercial.
The best that I have ever seen.
The music, the images, the message, the essence...
The reality is reflected in 1:32 minutes.
Simply, watch it.

dimecres, 30 de maig del 2012

YOUR-SAY(4): calacas or sugar skulls

CALACAS: a new concept of what death means

A lot of culture considere that death have bad conceptions: for exemple, the christianism has invented a hole concept of a pesimist live that ends with the death (that's the real world for them because you go to heaven with all the people that you love). But, what happen when you aren't the perfect christian that they want?
They say that you go to the Hell.
Hell is a synonym of pain, sadism, eternal suffering...
I mean that so many cultures described the death with cruelty, making frightened people that live thinking about the suffering of death and don't enjoy the real world where they are.
And I'm thinking... Why can't we live without thinking about death?
or If the death is one of the principal concepts that torture the mind...
Why can't we put more optimism in this concept?
And appears CALACAS.
Calaca is the coloquial form to say skull or skeleton in Mexico.

They're used in the Day of the Deads (November 1) to decorate the celebration:
they are characterized by their colorful clothes, their happy faces and
their festive decorations.

They're represented as gratifying rather and they aren't regret figures because the Mexican belief considere that dead souls doesn't like to be remembered as sad souls, so they think that death must be happy and optimistic event.

Mexicans even make humoristic poems to death; and cakes or sweets with the representation of calacas (so it's for this reason that the english people say "Sugar Skulls" to refer to a calaca).
Another food include pan de muerto: a sweet egg bread made in various shapes and often decorated with white frosting to look like twisted bones!

dissabte, 26 de maig del 2012

YOUR-SAY(3): Will Smith

A LEGEND: Will Smith

The last time that I watched the television, I saw that there was Will Smith in one interview for the program "El Hormiguero" and recording when I use to watch the tv program The Prince of Bel Air, I decide to watch the interview with a bit of melancholy.
And it's for this reason that I decide to make a post about this man that, for me it's just a true legend (like one of the movies where he participated in).
A legend of the humor, the cinema and even the music.

He's good vibes and his natural and cheerful character, makes that you can't stop listen to him when he appears in TV.

Will Smith starts in a career of humor and hip hop doing beatbox and songs with different bands to make some money.
He not used the money to pay his debts and the bank took away all of his property.
Will Smith, totally ruined, decided to accept the contract of NBC to star in The Prince of Bel Air (1990). The tv program became so popular, and discovering that he served as an actor, he decided to be "the best cinema star of the world" as he literally said.
And he became a big star like he said.

Some of the best movies that I saw have him as the protagonist.
Films like Men in Black (a funny and interesting movie about the anonymous saviors of alien presences), ALI (the biographical film about muhammad ali, the professional boxer), I robot (a futuristic movie), HANCOCK (a movie about a retired and alcoholic superhero), 
The pursuit for happyness (a emotional movie based on real events about  a struggling salesman that takes the custody of his son and decide to begin a life-changing professional endeavor; Will Smith doing, I think that, one of his best representations), I am legend (the story of a survivor of a plague that kills most of humanity; very sad and emotional movie with Will Smith as a incredible actor), seven pounds (a dramatic movie that makes people think about life; a emotional representation of Will Smith that puts you goose bumps...), and much more.

I think that Will Smith is the representation of the optimism, the overcoming and good feelings.

I wish I could meet him.

dijous, 24 de maig del 2012

NEWS(3): Boxing, women & english


The news talk about the women and the boxing and their difficult relation:
The society don't want women in the world of boxing because they considere is a man's sport.

The first women-only boxing club was founded in Britain, opened in Dunfermline (Scotland). The boxing coach that opened it was Jaye Mowbray, the first female in the world of boxing.

Women begin to boxing as a solution to bullying and to self-defence.

The boxing was an oldest sport that became so popular in the Middle Ages as a country fair where men show their power and resistence.

The first boxing ring was created at 1719 by James Figg and was called "The Amphitheatre". Jack Broughton, his pupil, invented the material of boxing like the gloves and the kicking attacks.

During the 19th Century, boxing began to be considered as a sport of criminal gangs and brutality.

The boxing even influence on the English language with some expressions like "At the drop of a hat" that means "immediately", or "the gloves are off" to say that the necociating is about to get tough.
About the meaning of the word "boxing", it comes from the Danish word "baske" that means "hit with your fist".

dilluns, 21 de maig del 2012

NEWS(2): Music.... Guns n' Roses


The story begins with William Bailey (the singer that changed his name to Rose when he was 17). Then, he changed his first name to his nickname Axl (creating the artistic name of Axl Rose that is an anagram of the oral sex).

Then, the others members even changed they're original names to Izzy, Duff and Slash (the famous guitarrist of the band).
They talk in their lyrics about homosexuals, african american and women in a wrong side, offending them.

I think that this band is simply a stupid band that wants to impact and to be cool for their teenager fans. For me, they seem silly; they look extremely ridiculous.
It's quite sad that they need to write "offending" lyrics to be popular.

I hate the bands that pretend to be cool and that their objective is only to make money with their radical style and they don't enjoy the music.

You have only to read the lyrics of their songs....

<< I can’t even waste my time on that band, because they’re so obviously pathetic and untalented. I used to think that everything in the mainstream pop world was crap, but now that some underground bands have been signed with majors, I take Guns N’ Roses as more of an offense. I have to look into it more: They’re really talentless people, and they write crap music, and they’re the most popular rock band on the earth right now. I can’t believe it. >> 
Kurt Cobain from NIRVANA.
(an exemple of a genius in the music. A revolutionary man that created a ideology, a style of music that make people feel like they're floating... Like they're understood)

dissabte, 19 de maig del 2012

YOUR-SAY(2): The meaning of your tattoos

The meaning of my new tattoo:
The people think that tattoos are a kind of fashion that is part of a particular aesthetic.
And that is not true, because tattoo doesn't have a definated origin:
Since ancient times, tattoos have been a way to express ourselves, an art more than a simple aesthetic.
Soldiers, sailors, women of different ages (60's, 80's,...), aboriginals, indians,...  made tattoos for various reasons:
Express their troughts by the art of their skin, draw their personality, explain stories or their own lives and experiences, and also as a symbol of overcoming and strenght,...
And this time, my new tattoo will be a symbol. A symbol of what means LIVE.
The freedom, the curiosity, the pleasure to the unknown and different.
A direction not fixed.
There are people that they don't know why, but are born with a certain hippie attitude.
A strange feeling when you look at the horizon.
The feeling of wanting to reach him but at the same time, the desire of never stop walking behind him.

And for me, the graphic representation of this feeling is definated by a compass rose: to choose random directions. To feel free and in peace.
A feeling that every human wants to feel: And I feel it with trips.
With the travel and the wander throught the world.
I feel that I'm alive with it.
So my next tattoo is the representation that I'm still alive.

And I'm going to be alive through my tattoos, even if one day I'm not in the world where now I'm walking.

dilluns, 30 d’abril del 2012

POWERPOINT: Social issues

The Last Powerpoint of this year:All my powerpoints presented in each terms intented to entertain with a tone between critical and curious:
I intented to try to show issues that were new and interesing to the others:

Riot Grrrl (the feminist ideology in music), Japan and his magnificient neighborhood: Shibuya (with their curious atmosphere and quirky shops and clothing),...

In the last powerpoint that is about social issues, I tried to change my attitude.
I wanted to show the harshness of a social problem that abounds nowadays:

The search of perfection.
The perfect body.
The perfect objective that will torture a person for years or even forever.

dilluns, 26 de març del 2012

TASK(1): Description of a place

Description of a place:

The first impression that I had when I go down the plane was really good. I was in the aeroport, and I couldn't see the most important things that I considere has got this incredible place...
I smelled the place, and I thought that in this city there was the same air that I breath in my home. And I realize that this was the only connection with my house in this moment. And I felt so happy for it.

The weather shocked me because it doesn't rain like usually and I had to safe the winter clothes in my bagpack (unfortunately) One of the things that fascinated me about this place was the misterious athmosfere that you felt when you looked at the pictures and that now was in front of my eyes.

I was here to see everything. And everything, for me, was there.
I walked in the street for hours, looking at the people and at their fascinating accent more than the famous buildings and the museums.
I was expectant.
I wanted to see more "everyday things" in them:
I wanted to see as they walked, as they expressed, what they ate, what they thought, what they breathed.

And I realized that we had many things in common.
One of these things was that all there breathed the same thing.

We're breathing the essence of LONDON.
The misterious city I found a summer.

divendres, 23 de març del 2012

YOUR-SAY(1): Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast:

I've read this reading of the page 80 of the Student Book (that talk about the truth of the beauty business) and I felt so uncomfortable: I knew that these kinds of business were cruel with the woman and her sizes, but when you don't know the truth explained by someone who lived in this kind of ambient, you don't saw the cruelty in his all extension...

And when you read this short but shocking reading you begin to thought about these kinds of thing....
I mean society, the concept of beauty nowadays, the sizes that control woman's life, the ideology that creates the media with their magazines, movies, tv programms and commercials...

It's sad to see that there are a lot of women that
think the most important quality of the woman is her beauty and perfection (perfection means skinniest bodies, hip bones, and superficial faces with a lot of bottox)
Creating these illness ideology that reduce the woman to only one body: the intelligence isn't important when you have a good body and a stupid smile in your face....

Gema García, a education correspondent, demostrates that the only thing that move these beauty business is the money (like everything): If you have got money you can pay for begin the Miss of the year.
Even if you aren't the perfect woman that the business say that they need!

It's sad to know that, there are millions of women that pretend to be perfect to work in this kind of business while they only want to win money destroying people's lifes...