divendres, 9 de desembre del 2011

YOUR-SAY(2): TOP 10: best movie scenes.

TOP 10:Best movie scenes
I tried to make an original post to start the second term in this blog. So, I was thinking about it, and I tried to make a Top 10 of the scenes that I considere that are the best.
(Logically is a personal list about the scenes that I liked more)
Surely, I will leave many other scenes, but it would be impossible to put them all!
Let's start.

NUMBER 10: Benjamin Button.

 It's incredible what the destiny can do to people.
I watched this movie a few years ago, in the cinema. My first thought was that the movie will be boring (the argument doesn't convence me so much). Then I changed my mind when I saw that Benjamin Button is excellent. And this is only one of the scenes that I loved.

Number 9: Forrest Gump.

Who doesn't know Forrest Gump? There's a lot of mytic scenes in the movie. But definitely, this is my favourite: It hide a moving message... With the humor incorporate.

Number 8:

Some people think that the best scene in Psicosis is the bath scene (where the female character died).
Personally, the scene that makes me feel the goosebumps.

NUMBER 7: Brokeback Mountain.

The most polemic movie in America....
The movie about the problems of begin cowboy and homosexual in a cruel and classical society.
The scene shows the frustration of one of the characters when he discovers the death of his lover (murdered by a few homofobics)

NUMBER 6: Ladies and Gentlemen The Fabulous Stains

I don't know why I put this scene of this "not much complex movie" in the number 6... I thought I see myself in this girl.
The scene says it all.

Always I thought that Tim Burton was a genius...But when I watch his version of Batman, I confirm it.
After saw the movie, I realize Michelle Pfeiffer was the best interpretation for Catwoman.
This scene is the best of the movie for me. Incredible interpretation and excellent transformation scene!

Pay it forward

One of the most exciting and emotive movies I've ever seen...
This scene reflex the sensibility of the character, who wants to change the world of the other people as he can't change his...
It's a pity I could not find the real scene without the music that this user put.
This movie was so impactant for me... And this ending scene was the clicmatic scene...
Plunged into a despair, an illusion and absorbing obsession, the character ends her theatrical.... PERFECTLY.
The movie is like being inside her mind. CHAOTIC. AND PERFECT.
NUMBER 2. MILLENIUM: Men Who Hates Women:

I haven't put a particular scene as the three films of MILLENIUM are great.
I Lisbeth Salander amazing.
It would be impossible to write about the movie, because I would leave multiple details and I'm not a person who leave details (I'm very perfectionist in this sense)


And the most important scene for me.
I know in my life I will see many other movies and the ranquing will be modified and expanded...
But the first place will never be replaced.
I'm sure.

This scene, simply is called:
F R E E D O M .

dijous, 1 de desembre del 2011

YOUR-SAY(1): Hello and Goodbye

Hello mr. winter, Goodbye First Term!
It's a pleasure to say goodbye to you, first term!
Because It says that I finished the first part of a hard and stressful 1rst batxillerat...

Last summer, I was so worried about batxillerat: I had no study habits in High School, and ever so, I passed of level without problems.
Now, I have to work as I never had. And I have results that I never imagined I would get in the batxillerat.
The truth is that I'm so proud about my notes... And I'm obsessed with having so more higher qualifications.

(But that doesn't mean that I'm not happy that the holidays come and finish the first term....)

Yes, winter holidays are coming, and my dear wintry weather.
I don't know why I like so much cold weather.
People think that people who like cold weather and darkness are pessimistic and dark. And that's not true.
Well, normally I'm not very optimistic and cheerful but it has nothing to do with that I like cold weather...

Winter is a time for reflection: of nostalgia and elegance.
It's like if all the beauty of the world focus on this time. The stately dance of the leaves, the trees seem to glow against the cold ... Those mornings walking along the lonely roads, with a red nose and cheeks frost, coats, scarves, goose bumps, the noise of dried plants, the rivers seem to lead souls, the gray skies and damp winds.

I have never believed that there's so much beauty in the world.
And over the years, even more: It's depressing to see the evil of society.

But winter gives me hope and shows me the beauty of the world that really exists. Perhaps the beauty inside of people is so more difficult to find, but nature will always be there to show his perfections. Their majestic works.

It's a time where it seems possible to find hope.

Good morning, mr winter.

diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011


Hello everybody! I'm Helena and I'm gonna talk about Riot Grrrl. I'm sure that nobody knows about this movement and music style and I want to speak a little about it.
I think that Riot Grrrl must be known among the people, because it marks a before and after in feminism.
I'll start by explaining what's Riot grrrl, some influental bands, and the topics of their lyrics.
I hope that interests you!

The websites say that Riot Grrrl is only a musical style, born in 1990 in USA.
But it's more than this. It was an ideology, a revolutionary thought.
A protest against sexism in society. For the first time, women expressed their thoughts and feelings though punk

Punk and Rock have always been considered masculine music styles. Women could go to punk concert and love punk music. But punks felt that women were weak and sensitive and couldn't form a punk band.
Women who attempted to form punk bands wre rejected.
But they aren't giving up.

They began to meet and to form female punk bands. They played in clubs and alternative bars.

The objective was to demostrate that women could play punk like men... and better than they! They wanted to break the mold established by the society and talk about taboo topics.
This topics are: sexism, gender violence, rape, incest, inequality between men and women, the stereotypes of the tradicional women,...
I think that all the riot grrrls bands are influential. Many were released on the festival "Girl Day" in Olimpia (1990).
Some are:
-Seven Year Bitch.
And my favourite: -Bikini Kill.

And although it's not classificable as Riot Grrrl, we might consider LAS VULPES like a feminist spanish punk band.
This woman, Kathleen Hanna, was an important piece to form the riot girl movement.
She was the lead singer of Bikini Kill, and actually, is a feminist activist and the singer of her band, Le Tigre, an American electroclash band.
She with the help of other women, formed riot grrrl festivals, feminist books and fanzines to show that the riot grrrl wasn't only a musical style: Was a feminist revolution.
I have spoken of this movement in the oral presentation, because the teacher asked us to talk about something that has influenced our lives.
Sine I knew that I liked punk bands, I tried to find bands who speak of social problems, and I never found any.
I found riot girls and I love them.
It really is much than words, it's a feeling.

I know that you're not be passionate about the topic, but I hope that now you know about this movement.



Egyptians celebrate the resignation of President Mubarak in February 2011

As Egyptians prepare to vote in their first parliamentary election since last February's revolution that ousted President Mubarak, have they really seen the changes they were fighting for?

I think the story could be summarized in the question asked at the beginning.
Personally, I think not.
Egypt, It's a place dominated by radicalism, sexism, and religion.
For a long time, these people lived in an environment where, personally I think They have forgotten the reasons why quale fight.
Soon will come another Mubarak to bring "order" in Egypt, and will continue the conflict forever.
This minister, Osama Heikal, is convinced that the country will not be in a situation like that. But they have always lived this way: reacting with violence, repression, radicalism.

They believe that with just the defeat of Mubarak are going to react and realize how badly they do?

I just finish with a reflection:
when you kill a monster, then come others.



<<    State Trooper: Please, I have kids and wife!

Thelma: Oh really? well, you're lucky! You be sweet to them, especially your wife. My husband wasn't sweet to me. Look how I turned out.     >>

A history of Thelma,a woman with a sexist and abusive husband and her friend Louise, a woman who she spends all the hours of her life.
Louise decides to make a car trip with Thelma to visit old friends of the high school at their home. But they don't know that this trip will be much more than that:
A journey to know themselves, to open eyes, to realize they deserve better just because they are WOMEN.

They will never return to their homes.

I was waiting so long to watch this movie: I try to find it in the shops, but sees that they think it's a movie too old and not very interesting to have it for sale.
And after seeing it, makes me realize (even more) that the world hasn't changed since then. And if we continue like this, will never change. Never.

And that's sad. And there will be more of Thelma and Louise that we set:
Women seeking a freedom not found in a society that is against their rights.

This is the first time I cried in a movie.... Still not wanting.
I think everyone should watch this film and realize the harsh reality.
Because it is very crude and cruel.

I wish I could explain what I felt when I saw the movie, but I prefer that you see it with your own eyes.


dissabte, 19 de novembre del 2011

NEWS (2): Ear Stretching

Ear stretching: Why is lobe 'gauging' growing in popularity?
Like the news say, stretched ears are becoming so popular in the underground and alternative look.
So many people stretch their ears to look more... I don't know. Cool? Or, impressive?

The girl of the photo (a girl called Amie Conradine) think that it's a way to look more radical in her style.

Amie ConrdadinePersonally, I think that ear stretching looks so good If you stretch a few milimeters of your ear (but 24mm like this girl: NO.)

It's like tattoos, or piercing in general.
You can have tattoos, but not in all your body: because it pass to be a kind of symbol of your personality (or decoration, whatever), to be one more stain on your body.

I think the purpose of piercings,stretched ears and tattoos is to put a twist in your body to be more original and at the same time, describe your personality and your way of seeing the world.
But if you pass the line of radicalism, no longer serves that purpose.
You look just like a clown!

People need to be clear about this line.
Because it is important.

SO important.

dimecres, 2 de novembre del 2011

ORAL PRESENTATION: Riot Grrrl (the video)

I think that I do it very bad. It's good this system of recording your oral presentation to watch your defects and faults.
 I speak very slowly, and don' t look at the audience to much when I speak.
I get too nervous and then I forget some basic words!
My pronunciation is very bad and needs to improve by 99%.
But I liked to see the people trying to understand me, despite my poor oral presentation...

I hope to do it better the next time!

PS:I will post the script of the PowerPoint, for people who didn't understand me too well when I explained it in class.

By: Helena

dimarts, 1 de novembre del 2011

ORAL PRESENTATION: one song to understand the riot grrrl.


how many girls stay awake all night
Quantes noies estan despertes tota la nit
too scared to sleep and too scared to fight back
Massa espantes per dormir, massa espantades per lluitar
i know you know what i'm talking about
Jo se que tu saps de que estic parlant
another woman killed and hardly a pout about it
Una altre dona asesinada i dificilment s'enfaden per aixo
green river killer my fucking ass
el green river asesina el meu fotut cul
the cops have gotta be deaf, dumb, and spastic
els policíes tenen que ser sords, muts i espàstics
to not catch the killer(s) of one hundred woman
per no atrapar els asesins d'un centenar de dones
i guess it'd be different if they thought we were human
Crec que aixo sería diferent si ells pensesin que som humanes

i wanna know what love is
Vull saber què és l'amor

what the fuck if we all got guns /
Què cony, si tots tenen pistoles
to off the fucking pigs and all the other motherfuckers /
per els fotuts porcs i tots els altres fills de puta
raping the children they paint like dolls /
violant als nens que ells pinten com nines
jon benet didn't scream because she never fucking was /
Jon benet no va cridar perquè ella mai ho havia sigut (de nen)
come on now the police aren't gonna save you /
Vinga, ara, la policía no et salvarà!
they're part of the problem that society gave you /
Ells són part del problema que la societat t'ha donat:
locking up black men for whistling in the wind /
Tancant als homes negres per xiular en el vent
you see a mirage when you call the cop your friend / Tu veus un miratge quan anomenes el policía el teu amic

i wanna know what love is / Vull saber què és l'amor

the killers and the cops give us special advice / Els assasins i els policíes ens donen consells especials
like cross your legs and act fucking nice /  com creuar les teves cames i actuar fotudament bé
while they kill us off old and fucking young /  Mentres ens maten gent gran i gent fotudament jove
for breathing, relieving, and having fun /  per respirar, relaxarse i divertir-se.
they'll keep you scared so you have to have a boyfriend /  Ells et mantenen espantat, per aixo tens que tenir un nóvio
and take your kids away if you're a lesbian /  i et treuen els fills si ets una lesbiana
arrest you for whoring then rape you in the car /  t'arresten per prostitució després de que t'hagin violat dins d'un cotxe
it's time we point the finger at who the real criminals are /  És hora de que senyalem amb el dit quins són els verdaders criminals

i wanna know what love is /  Vull saber què és l'amor
i want you to show me /  Necessito que m'ho ensenyis

so i'll stay awake almost every night /  Així que vaig estar desperta gairebé tota la nit
a pen in my hand and in the other a knife /  amb un bolígraf a la mà, i a l'altre un ganivet
because i'd rather be scared and fight back /  perquè prefereixo tenir por i lluitar
than be some dick's maid, babe or wife /  que no pas ser la dama, dona o nena d'una polla

i don't care how we get it but we'll get it someday / 
No m'importa com ho fem, però ho aconseguirem algun dia.


dilluns, 31 d’octubre del 2011

NEWS (1): Muammar Gaddafi, the monster died.


"If they kill him 1,000 times, I think it will not pay back the Libyans what he has done. We've lost over 70,000 of our best men because of this monster."

The quote say it all.
A few weeks away, I saw on tv that Muammar Gaddafi died. This wasn't impressed me. This man had to pay for all the people who died because of him.
I know that some people will think that i'm cruel because supposedly, you can't wish the death of anyone.

But this man deserved it.
Althought,as the man from bbc news, I think that if they will kill him so many times, they can never bring back this people from the death.

And they cannot turn off the pain of the dead's families.


The history of an ugly duck:

Once upon a time, there was a duck's family.
"Mother duck" has five beautiful little ducks:
"Duck 1" has a soft and brown body with orange peak; "Duck 2" became a robust and strong duck; "Duck 3", has beautiful and funny voice; "Duck 4", the beauty of a lady duck,with yellow body and black deep eyes (acquired from her mother duck). And finally, "Duck 5": the favourite son of father duck (who died in a fight with family dog).

They were an exemplary family: all the ducks in the village loved the family duck; even the rich ducks!

One day, "Mother Duck" in one of her many walks with their little ducks, found a black duck lost in the forest.
"Mother Duck" was kind, and she adopted the black and strange duck as his son.
The others little ducks didn't like the new brother that they had...

When "Mother duck" died, the ducks began to make bullying to the black duck:
"You're so ugly, brother!", "The ducks doesn't have black body! You're different!", "You're weird", "You're bigger than the others!",...

The farmer who had the ducks, even mistreated him:

"Is this duck black? He doesn't serve to make eggs or soup!"

The black duck, became sad.

And one day, decided to escape from his village to found the peace in his soul...
He travelled many miles on foot. He faced many dangers on his travel: and black duck has grown mentally (his body also became big, and learned to fly!)

He learned to love himself.

And unlike the famous duck of the story, he doesn't become a swan. But in a beautiful and stately raven.

The raven decided to return to his old village to watch the lives of his brothers wile he was flying:

The beauty of his brothers didn't save them, because they didn't had his raven's freedom. So they died and became farmer's soup.
The raven, so proud of himseld, realized that he like to be a crow!

And he devoted the rest of his life traveling around the worls and to steal the jewels of all the farmers of the village for revenge.

And all the people live happily and ate soup every day!


By: Helena.

PROJECT 1: Thirteen, the movie. (part 2)

ADRIAN MOLE vs Thirteen:

2.The differences between Adrian Mole's diary and Thirteen:

The most biggest difference between Adrian Mole and Thirteen, is that the book is a satire of the problems that a teenager might have.
Talks about the typical problem of the spots on adolescence, the evolution of the body, the first love, the separation from folks,...
Thirteen is a reflection of the social problems that a teenager can have with a realistic and dramatic view.

We can say that Adrian Mole's diary is made to laugh at the stupid things that teenagers sometimes make.
The book wants to show us that we past through a similar time with similar problems, and if we look at it in perspective, it's quite ridiculous and funny how we complicate our lifes!

Thirteen wants to show us the inside of the teenagers to aware us of the problems that can have this girls and boys because of the outside influences.
So, Thirteen isn't made to laugh. It's made to think of the reality of our world.

By: Helena.

dilluns, 17 d’octubre del 2011

PROJECT 1: Thirteen, the movie. (part 1)

THIRTEEN vs Adrian Mole:

1.Topics: DRUGS

So, I think that the most important topic on the movie is DRUGS:
The way to hide problems and be happy (for a few hours).
Represents that teenagers are on time of rebellion that makes them want to seek independence and the approval of the world.

And If you're in a world full of people who consume, what will you do to feel accepted? taking drugs.

This is the problem of Tracy.
Surely, if she had told Evie that she didn't want to try marijuana or pot, Evie had left Tracy because was a “no-cool girl” and Tracy would return to his little-cool life .... Or simply have consumed
Tracy decided to consume and be a popular girl.
This is going to make you freak...

I think Thirteen explains well the drug issue.
Though, what I find most unreal is the fact that the two families of Tracy and Evie are poor and she can buy  marijuana, pot and cocaine! (I consider that's one of the more expensive drug ever!)
But apart from that, everything else is acceptable on the movie, I think...

I don't think that in the movie is well explained the concept of eating disorders.
Tracy says she's on a diet, that doesn't mean she has an eating disorders.
I know many people who are on a diet, and they don't have a problem with food.
In our times, people think that boys or girls who say "I do not want to eat more" and make a low calorie diet have got eating disorders ... and that's not true at all. (They are the same people who say that people with eating disorders must to be
very skinny or must to be a teenager girl. That's not true at all.)
Eating disorders is more than this. Eating disorders seems to be very popular in our society, and they don't know that they have an incorrect concept of this topic....
so ridiculous, I think.

dimecres, 21 de setembre del 2011

Just quotes.

" I dunno. That's that whole nature versus nurture question, isn't it? Was I born a cute, vindictive little bitch or... did society make me that way?
I go back and forth on that..."
Hayley Stark

"There're no innocents, only different degrees of responsibility."                                                                    Lisbeth Salander

diumenge, 18 de setembre del 2011

YOUR-SAY(6): the importance of your body in a sexist and disfigured society.

We live in a society where our weight and our kind of clothes are so extremely important for all.

People don't want to see fat people with dresses or tight clothing. That's so extremely disgusting.
However, it's so beautiful see a skinny girl with dresses, is not it?
The television makes us so mad, you know... Publicity with cute and skinny women, gateways with tall models, perfect skin, perfect body, perfect soul... okey, perfect soul isn't important!
The importancy is the body.

If you have a few more pounds, you don't have friends. You don't have boyfriend. Nobody love big people.
Or it is what they say...

They ate our brains so hard. All the time.

Now, that many girls feel suicidal  (and may never return to their normal life) because of their sexist advertising, they realize that they have gotten out of hand!
And now, they're trying to change this opinion with messages like:


"We don't want skinny women!"

"Your soul is more important than your body! don't worry!"

who are they kidding? me, NO.they can't change the situation. They can't save these girls.

There's only one word to describe this situation: DISGUSTING.
There's only one word to describe this people: PIGS.

Nothing more to say.

By: Helena

dijous, 15 de setembre del 2011

YOUR-SAY(5): Just a song.


Well now this could be the last of all the rides we take
Bé, ara aquest pot ser el nostre últim passeig de tots els que hem fet.
So hold on tight and don't look back
Aixi que aguantet fort i no miris endarrere
We don't care about the message or the rules they make

A nosaltres no ens importen els missatges i les regles que ells creen
I'll find you when the sun goes black
Et trobaré quan el sol es torni negre
And you only live forever in the lights you make
I tu només vius per sempre en les llums que crees
When we were young we used to say
Quan erem joves soliem dir
That you only hear the music when your heart begins to break
Que tu només escoltes la música quant el teu cor comença a trencar-se
Now we are the kids from yesterday
Ara nosaltres som els nens de l'ahir

All the cameras watch the accidents and stars you hate
Totes les cámeres veuen els accidents i les estrelles que tu odies
They only care if you can bleed
A ells només els hi importa si sangres
Does the television make you feel the pills you ate?
La televisió et fa sentir les pastilles que prens?
Or every person that you need to be
O cada persona que tu necessitaves ser
Cause you only live forever in the lights you make
Perqué tu només vius per sempre en les llums que crees
When we were young we used to say
Quan erem joves soliem dir
That you only hear the music when your heart begins to break
Que tu només escoltes la música quan el teu cor comença a trencar-se
Now we are the kids from yesterday
Ara nosaltres som els nens d'ahir
Today, today
Avui, Avui
We are the kids from yesterday
Nosaltres som els nens d'ahir
Today, today
Avui, avui
Here we are and we won't stop breathing
Aquí estem i no deixarem de respirar
Yell it out 'til your heart stops beating
Crida a fora fins que el cor pari de bategar
We are the kids from yesterday
Nosaltres som els nens d'ahir
Cause you only life forever in the lights you make

Perque tu només vius per sempre en les llums que crees
When we were young we used to say

Quan erem joves soliem dir
That you only hear the music when your heart begins to break

Que escoltes la música quan el teu cor comença a trencarse
Now we are the kids from yesterday

Ara nosaltres som els nens d'ahir
We are the kids from yesterday

Nosaltres som els nens d'ahir
We are the kids from yesterday
Nosaltres som els nens d'ahir
We are the kids from yesterday
Nosaltres som els nens d'ahir
Today, today

.A lot of people (included fans) say that this four album of My Chemical Romance is so different from the others (in bad context). And I think that they're right. But for me, in not bad context.
I think a lot of bands that initially start with good songs: or don't do nothing and separate, or make albums with songs like the old songs that they make.My Chemical Romance have made an evolution.All their albums are different: Risked the fans will accept right or wrong, and their fourth album was again totally different to the third. They risked that the fans will like the new style of his new album or not. They don't care. They thought only of making new and different material than others. And really, they've done it very well.
Just listen the song and judge for yourself.

PS: I've put a video of a their live 'cause i value his work on stage and how good they do it, than their studio version.

YOUR-SAY(4): A place to stay.

It would be lying if I said I want to live in London, New York or Japan. They are my favorite places around the world.
One I have gone (London) to the other two, I'm looking forward to.
But I find it very difficult to say I want to live in one place forever.
I wish I could travel in these countries, and if I have a job that allows me, staying there for a while.
We could say that I am a nomad girl.
I hate to imagine living in one place all my life.
My greatest wish is to have my volkswagen van and travel around the world. (in the summer, of course)

Nonstop, no worries.

 I guess it's very typical, but I saw some pictures a few years ago on national geographic, and I wanted to go to ... Route 66.

A path where there's only one road and yourself.
With your van.
Driving without stopping, removing the problems of your head, feeling independent and free.

That's simply a route I have to do before I die....

Hello, Lourdes, nice to see you again!

Hi, Lourdes,

I'm proud to see you again.
Last time I saw you was in first of ESO, and I think in second,too.
I create the myspace so early because I love making blogs and posts in it.
Some people say I'm a very creative girl:
I live to draw and I draw to live.
If I have time, I'm going to make a lot of posts about my life and hobbies. I've had a lot of hobbies (that I'm going to explain in the next posts), but for me, draw is the one.
Since I was a child, drawing is a a great part of my life, and I think i cannot live without it. I've got it in my soul, I think...
Although you've got me in your class in first of ESO, that was too short to know my personality and likes.
So I'm going to say that I'm a very perfectionist teenager, and I'm going to work hard to do a good job with this MySpace's blog.
My Friends and family say that I'm very moody and pessimist. But I always be like this!
I think one of my faults is that I think too much.

I know that this mail should be longer, but I prefer that you know me slowly, through my posts.

I just hope you like it, and you have fun reading it!



YOUR-SAY(3): "If life ain't just a joke then why are we laughing?

"If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?"*
Gerard Way.

This "Your-Say" is totally dedicated to this man called Gerard Way.
The most normal thing would be to talk about his life, experiences and career.
But I don't think I can do that. That wouldn't be right.
Personally, I wouldn't like that a unknown girl talking 'bout my life openly, as If she really knew my real life.
I don't consider myself the typical hysterical fan just looking to sleep with their idols, or pulling of their hair, or simply insult their fiances; judging without knowing them.

The first time I listen to My Chemical Romance was on September 2007. And I could really identify with his lyrics.
That's not a joke, I know that a lot of fans say that, but my words are so sincere right now.
I through that if a person can write lyrics like this is 'cause he feels what the writes.
'Cause their throughts are within those lyrics that then, we hear in our computers, mp3 or, whatever.
I always thought that if he really felt those words would be because he also felt like me.
I think that Gerard Way, what he really wanted was to create a band with lyrics that will help other people like him. I think his greatest desire was to know that some people feel identified with his songs and try to be a little happier.

And he got it.

So thank you so much, mr. Gerard Way

My Chemical Romance - Dead!

(copyright. twitter.com/GerardWay)

By: Helena

YOUR-SAY(2): Live and let live.

Sometimes I'm surprised of the peculiarities of my twisted mind.

Last day, my friend and I were fantasizing about our future after smoking few cigarettes in the park.
Everyone want a future with their families, friends, and the boy/girlfriend (typical, don't you think?)

"And one goob job, a lot of money and a red mercedes in front of the most biggest house of the neighborhood.... Which is mine, of course"Yeah, that's a good future for them.
I only respect their opinion of good future, and I say: "Oh, that's fine! start saving money for mercedes, man" And I keep my idea of good life for me, 'cause people, sometimes, don't respect you're opinion and make a strange face with your explanation. Well, I guess that not everyone is equal, you know..

Personally, I prefer a old and beauty Volkswagen van than a luxurious mercedes. If i've got a car, it must be comfortable, family and of course, like the driver. That's like the animals and their owners.
I always think that the Volkswagen van describes me a lot:
Simple, old mentally but young to travel, quirky, weird, strong and big.

I've always wanted to live in an old and small flat in Barcelona City, alone, with a job that I like, and save money all year to travel in the summer with my volkswagen.
I don't care if in a future i haven't any friends, or special people to me.

I just need to know that I have freedom and independence to do what I want to do someday.
And smoking cigarettes, drinking Coke Zero and listen to good music like this:
" How long?
Until we find our way
In the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me
Anytime you want "


I'm sure that you don't understand why I've chosen a title like this for MySpace.

I'm a My Chemical Romance's big fan, a band from New Jersey that recently has 10 years of musical career.
I feel indentified (especially) with one of their albums, called: Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge.
That album it's very special. I think it have a lot of emotional strengh.
It's more than a typical album: there aren't meaningless songs.
Their songs on this album express the strengh of a man, the anger spirit, the human's weakness and at the same time, the resistance to the problems of life.

The main theme of the album is REVENGE.
The album express a story about two lovers and their problems with the law and the people inside this mad world. They are criminals, and escape from the authority.
The man wants revenge on the men who harmed her lover.

That's the story.

But I always think that music is a kind of art. So, for me, art is subjective.
And each person interprets the songs according to their personality and their way of seeing the world.

This quote: "Hallelujah, lock and load" is from the song Thank you for the venom.
That quote express that the character has a locked and loaded gun on him, ready to be fired at any time. You can interpret the quote literally.
But for me, this is a great metaphor.

Everyone have a locked and loaded gun. And me, too.
I want to use it to fight, defend and move on with my life.


My Chemical Romance - Thank you for the venom

by: Helena